Na Gaelgáirí sa Stiúideo for Seachtain na Gaeilge

Enjoy a fabulous night of jokes and hilarious stories with several of Ireland's finest comedians in the Studio, dlr LexIcon
Tá lúcháir orainn Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025 a cheiliúradh leis na Gaelgáirí sa dlr LexIcon.
Bígí linn i gcomhair oíche den scoth lán de scéalta ghrinn 'gus jócanna, le roinnt de na fuirseoirí is fearr in Éirinn.
Na fuirseoirí atá ag glacadh páirte ar an oíche ná Aideen McQueen (RTE/ TG4/ BBC), Síomha Ní Aonghusa ( Dublin Fringe/ Edinburgh Fringe),
Louise O Toole (Edinburgh Fringe/ Irish Jester 2024), Justin Cass (Electric Picnic/ Féile Ealaíne na Gaillimhe) agus Seán Ó Beaglaoich (RTE/ Dublin StorySlam)
Enjoy a fabulous night of jokes and hilarious stories with several of Ireland's finest comedians. The Gaelgáirí will be coming to DLR LexIcon in Dún Laoghaire on Wednesday 12th March as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025. The comedians taking part on the night are Aideen McQueen (RTE/ TG4/ BBC), Síomha Ní Aonghusa (Dublin Fringe/ Edinburgh Fringe), Louise O Toole (Edinburgh Fringe/ Irish Jester 2024), Justin Cass (Electric Picnic/ Galway Arts Festival) and Seán Ó Beaglaoich (RTE/ Dublin StorySlam).
We’re delighted to welcome them to the Studio, dlr LexIcon for Seachtain na Gaeilge!
Suitable for ages 16yrs+
Event Map
53.292419, -6.132268
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