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My Open Library

My Open Library service at Dalkey and Deansgrange offers extended opening hours to library members on a self-service basis outside normal opening hours, from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week. Library members must be 16 years or over to avail of the service.

Registration must take place during staffed hours, so that full details of the service can be provided by staff in advance of My Open Library usage.   

There are no staff present when My Open Library service is in operation. The library is monitored by CCTV cameras all the time during My Open Library mode. Members can access Wi-Fi and avail of self-service printing and photocopying, borrowing and returning items and using the Internet.

Dalkey staffed and MOL opening hours

Deansgrange staffed and MOL opening hours

What is My Open Library?

My Open Library is a new service offered by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown libraries.  It allows library members to access a library outside normal opening hours.  There are no staff present when My Open Library is in operation.  The library is monitored by CCTV cameras all the time during My Open Library mode. 

Where is My Open Library?

Dalkey and Deansgrange offer My Open Library, giving free access to the library outside normal opening times. 

When can I use My Open Library?

You need to register to avail of My Open Library. This service is available outside the normal opening hours of the library every day, early in the morning and late in the evenings, and all day Sundays from 8am to 10pm.

How can I register for My Open Library?

You must be 16 years of age or over to avail of the service. Registration is free and open to dlr library users. You need to register in person during staffed hours at the library at which you plan to use MOL. If you wish to use MOL at more than one library, you need to register separately at each location. Contact details are listed for each branch at Find your Library.

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