Something Old, Something New: A Story-Making Workshop with Colin Urwin

Normal or One Off
Event Image (978 x 400 px) (74)
Event Description

The title provides the perfect metaphor for the process Colin often uses to forge his stories that sound as if they have been around for hundreds of years. The old rhyme finishes with... something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in her shoe. The 'something borrowed' can be family anecdotes or scraps of folklore; 'something blue' might be a memory or emotion, the 'silver sixpence' can be a physical object that is inspirational, even magical... Weaving these strands together or just following one, Colin will guide workshop participants through a fun process of creation in which 'Something Old' and perhaps ill-defined can be reimagined and turned into a wonder tale that is not just 'Something New' but eminently tellable.  This is a workshop for adults and booking is essential. 

To book, email or Tel (01) 285 0860 

Contact Details
Contact Person
Deansgrange Library
Job Title
Library Staff
01 285 0860
10.30am - 2.30pm

Deansgrange Library

Part of Major Event
Bealtaine @ dlr Libraries 2024


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