ALT Futures Hackathon 2017, dlr LexIcon Hackathon on Assisted Living Technologies (ALT)

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ALT Futures Hackathon 2017

dlr LexIcon Hackathon on Assisted Living Technologies (ALT)

Friday 5th May: 6.00pm - 8.00pm - Meet, Greet & Team up

Saturday 6th May: 9.30am - 8.00pm - Hackaton with prize giving at 7pm

To Book, click here: 

Cost: €15.00 (includes lunch and refreshments) Participants must be 18+


Calling on all hackers, technology enthusiasts and assisted living advocates to register and take part in this exciting hackathon, looking to improve people's lives by developing new Assisted Living Technologies (ALTs)

The Challenge: Working with advocates interested in developing assisted living technologies this two day challenge will be to design and prototype possible technological solutions to solve real world challenges faced by those that traditionally require assistance by enabling them to have greater choice and independence in life.

Prizes, sponsored by the Local Enterprise Office (LEO DLR) will be awarded for the winning project on Saturday 5th May.

What is a Hackathon?

Hackathons are a way of exploring technical solutions to social issues or ‘problems’. They involve getting a number of people together, usually for a day or two, to set out problems and devise potentially viable technological solutions. Theevent will harness both the energy and creativity of the programming and maker community and place it alongside the issues facing adult social care, hopefully to bring about innovative solutions.

Dr Jake Rowan Byrne will be running the hackathon and will provide tech support at the event. During the event there will be business pitch workshops and a tech helpdesk on Saturday 6th May.

Please note: There will be 2 Raspberry Pi and Arduino Workshops in April and a drop in Maker Evening in the LAB if participants are interested in up skilling before the hackathon. All workshops are free but booking is essential on eventbrite.

Please bring your own laptop to the event. More details here.


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