April is Autism awareness month at dlr Libraries
Each year, April is designated Autism awareness month, with World Autism Awareness Day on Friday 2 April .
At dlr libraries we have been working to make our library spaces more inclusive. You can read more about that here. Don't forget that our ASC lending collection is available to those who need it. You can view the resources here.
Please email libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie with requests or enquiries.
During April 2021 we have some online events specifically for those with or supporting those with Autism.
Shenanigans series with Kyle Riley and Paul Timoney
Mondays 12, 19, 26 April & Monday 10 May, 4.00-5.00pm
Yoga for Children with autism
Saturdays 10,17 & 24 April,11.00am-12pm
Yoga and Relaxation for Parents of children with additional needs
Fridays 9, 16, 23 & 30 April, 7.00-8.00pm.
Booking essential via dlr Libraries Eventbrite.