Call for Writer in Residence

General News

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council invites applications for a Writer in Residence for the period July 2018 to June 2019. This Writer in Residence is managed by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Library service at dlr LexIcon.

The residency is open to writers working in any genre (fiction, non-fiction, poetry etc). The residency this year will have a broad focus on History/Herstory with a possible emphasis on commemorating local aspects of the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2022. The writer’s work may draw inspiration from this theme in a variety of ways and an intergenerational approach would be of interest.

The residency is envisaged as a part-time residency which will allow time for the writer’s own work in addition to engagement and interaction with both the general public and, more specifically, with those with an interest in writing themselves. The target audience may include adults, young people and children or an intergenerational slant.

The Writer in Residence will focus on working in dlr LexIcon in Dún Laoghaire and will have access to a shared room on Level 5. It is a requirement of the residency that the writer spend at least 10 hours per week working in dlr LexIcon.


Fee and budget information

The fee for the residency is €15,000. This amount is to be fully inclusive of fee and expenses. A separate limited budget for events will be managed by dlr Libraries.

This is a part-time residency and will require flexibility around contact hours.

The Writer in Residence will be paid via the payroll system. They will not become employees of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and are treated as employees solely for taxation purposes. Standard deductions will apply. Full budget information will be discussed with successful applicant prior to commencement of residency.


Residency objectives

To create opportunities for the writer to:

  • Develop her/his own work
  • Highlight this year’s broad focus on History/Herstory through an imaginative approach to the Decade of Centenaries, aspects of Local History or related topics.
  • Encourage the imagination of adults and/or young readers and writers, and in so doing, draw attention to the importance of authors and the essential role they perform in nurturing creativity and an awareness of stories in communities.
  • Promote the awareness of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Library Service and its resources, by establishing a dynamic link between dlr Libraries and the community.



Writer’s brief

Applicants are asked to approach the residency thematically and to include in their application an outline of the project/s that they would work towards over the course of the residency. This should include ideas about the public engagement aspect of the residency. In the past, writers in residence have engaged with book clubs, writers groups, musicians, illustrators and leisure centre users and have organised workshops, seminars and exhibitions. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council organises the annual Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival and it is envisaged that there could be potential links with the Writer in Residence during the Festival in March 2019.

The Library Service is open to new approaches and responses around the public engagement aspect for this residency. There will be a separate budget for events associated with this which will be managed by the Library Service.

It is envisaged that approximately 50% of the time on this residency should be focused on the writer’s own work while approximately 50% will be allocated to the public engagement aspect.

In advance of the residency the following will be agreed:

  • A programme of work that is flexible and responsive to all stakeholders.
  • Clear roles and responsibilities for the writer in residence.
  • A structure for the ongoing support of the writer in residence.
  • A timetable that balances time for the writer’s own work and time for public engagement.
  • Ongoing review and evaluation; regular meetings.

It should be noted that this is a part-time residency, which will require flexibility around contact hours.


Selection process

Applicants should submit the following:

A typed curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages);

  • Examples of previous work;
  • Publications, programmes or published articles, such as reviews;
  • Typed proposal outlining artistic ideas and approaches (no more than three typed pages); this should include an outline of the benefits of the residency to her/his stage of development as a writer and ideas in relation to public engagement during the residency.

Please note: Applicants must submit three copies of CV.

Please ensure that all submitted materials are clearly marked with the applicant’s name. Please note that email applications will not be accepted.

Closing date12 noon on Wednesday 23rd May 2018


Criteria for selection

  • Artistic merit and distinctiveness of proposal (25/100)
  • Quality of previous work (25/100)
  • Suitability of the proposal to the context (25/100)
  • Facilitation ability and relevant experience (25/100)



Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their submissions and short-listed applicants may be called for interview during the week of 5th June 2018.


Summary of key dates

Monday 16th April 2018: call for submissions.

Wednesday 23rd May 2018: closing date for receipt of submissions at 12.00 noon.

Week of 5th June 2018: interviews for short-listed applicants.

The residency will begin in July 2018 and last until the end of June 2019. 


Background Information

dlr LexIcon - Central Library and Cultural Centre:


In December 2014, dlr LexIcon had a soft opening for the public, with the official opening taking place in April 2015. This iconic public building is a crucial part of a programme of regeneration in Dún Laoghaire. It is a vibrant centre of learning and creativity for all those who live, work in and visit the county.  


The library accommodates general reading rooms with a rich collection of some 80,000 books, DVDs and CDs and a dedicated Local Studies repository on the top floor. The children’s library is a state of the art venue, catering for the varied needs and interests of all children and is a pivotal support for primary and post primary schools in the County. The dlr Municipal Gallery, Studio theatre (accommodates 125 people), LexIcon Lab, Café and meeting rooms are also housed in the building.


On busy days, dlr LexIcon has over 2,000 users and it is growing as in popularity as a place to visit, particularly with events such as Family Days, Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival, Children’s Book Festival, Life Long Learning and Science Week programmes. Since it opened, dlr LexIcon has welcomed over 500,000 visitors per year through its doors and has firmly established itself at the heart of the community, providing space for learning and research, to develop, create and share ideas. Further information can be found on the website


Support from Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Library Service will act as the liaison support between the writer, the local authority and local communities throughout the residency. It will also provide a limited amount of administrative support where required. The Senior Executive Librarian will be responsible for administering contracts and payments to the writer.


Child Protection

In accordance with the national Child Protection Guidelines Children First, the selected candidate will be required to follow child protection procedures as specified by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.

The successful candidate will be required to undergo Garda Vetting.



The Writer in Residence agrees to keep the Council fully indemnified against all claims howsoever arising and howsoever caused in respect of any damage, loss or injury of any kind or nature, whether arising directly or indirectly from the provision of the residency and to provide evidence of Public Liability insurance which indemnifies Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council with a limit of indemnity of €6.5 million.

It is the responsibility of the Writer in Residence to ensure that other person(s) not employed by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, but employed by the Writer in Residence to assist them with the post have adequate Public Liability (€6.5 million) and Employer’s Liability (€13 million) cover which indemnify both Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the Writer in Residence


Freedom of Information

The provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1997-2003 apply to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Applicants should state if any of the information supplied by them is confidential or sensitive and should not be disclosed to a request for information under the aforementioned Act. Applicants should state why they consider the information to be confidential or commercially sensitive. 



The Writer in Residence will be paid via the payroll system. They will not become employees of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and are treated as employees solely for taxation purposes. Standard deductions will apply. Full budget information will be discussed with successful applicant prior to commencement of residency.



Applications should be submitted to:

Marian Thérèse Keyes, Senior Executive Librarian: dlr LexIcon and Reader Development, dlr LexIcon, Haigh Terrace, Moran Park, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin. A96 H283

Closing date12 noon on Wednesday 23 May 2018

Queries: Please refer any queries to Marian Thérèse Keyes, Senior Executive Librarian, dlr LexIcon and Reader Development E: or Phone: (01) 236 2716.

Please note that Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council reserves the right not to appoint if none of the applications received are deemed to be suitable. In this instance, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council reserves the right to pursue a different procurement process.

The Writer in Residence is funded by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.


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