Classroom sets and services for teachers in dlr
Did you know dlr libraries are one of the few library authorities in Ireland to offer classroom sets to teachers who teach in dlr county? Want to know more about this great service? Read on..
What is a classroom set…?
Classroom sets come in varying sizes, from 10 to 40 copies, suitable for all different ages, from pre school to primary school classes, as well as secondary school groups. As well as for classes they can be especially suitable for book club groups within schools and community settings. dlr Libraries also have begun purchasing sets suitable for resource teaching and special needs, such as dyslexia. Each book on our classroom sets list is accompanied by a short description and a recommended reading age. Bear in mind we also have adult book club sets, that include many titles suitable for young adult readers also.. You can browse the classroom sets list here. Adult book club sets are here. We welcome suggestions for new titles from teachers for our book set collections. See contact details below.
Silent Books picture book collection, dlr Libraries
In response to the waves of refugees from Africa and the Middle East arriving in the Italian island of Lampedusa, iBbY (International Board on Books for Young People) launched the project ‘Silent Books, from the world to Lampedusa and back’ in 2012. The project involved creating the first library on Lampedusa to be used by local and immigrant children. The second part of the project required creating a collection of silent books (wordless picturebooks) that could be understood and enjoyed by children regardless of language. Over 100 titles from over 20 countries were collected from iBbY National Sections. One set of books was deposited in Rome, another delivered to the library in Lampedusa and a further set was part of a travelling collection that visited dlr LexIcon during May 2017. dlr LexIcon hosted a vibrant programme of events for families and children around this unique wordless picture book collection.
dlr Libraries have been lucky to be able to acquire a collection of the Silent Books picture books for our classroom sets collection. A really special and unique collection, the only one in Irish public libraries to date, we hope to showcase the collection during 2018. We hope to bring this very special picture book collection alive through further programming for user groups from local preschools, community centres and immigrant communities . Please check our website soon for full details during April-June 2018.
Could you be a Literacy Ambassador?
dlr Libraries strive to provide a literacy support services to teachers in the area. With this in mind we invite teachers to become a literacy ambassador for your school. You might have a special interest in promoting reading or looking after your school library, you might have a special post of responsibility regarding literacy promotion. If so we want to hear from you. We will add you to our ‘literacy ambassador’ mailing list and email you regarding special events for classes as well as updates to our services for teachers, including classroom sets.
Block loan cards
Teachers who wish to borrow classroom sets must have a Block Loan card from their local library. A block loan card is available to all teachers who teach in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area. To obtain one of these you must present proof of address (a current utility bill, etc.) and a letter from your school principal on headed paper stating that you are currently employed there. Up to 40 items may be borrowed for 3 months at a time. You may collect the books from a branch library of your choice in dlr county.
If you are interested in any of the above services, have a suggestion for purchase or would like to become a literacy ambassador for dlr Libraries, please email us: