Cuairt agus Cultúr Winter 2020

General News

Cuairt agus Cultúr is a cultural programme run by dlr Libraries and Arts Office in Residential Care settings for older people in the County. This is the third year that Cuairt agus Cultúr has run, for 2020 our programme of events has moved online. We have over 40 online sessions scheduled for 2020, running in 5 nursing homes.

In addition to this dedicated programme we are delighted to offer a selection of recorded cultural activity sessions, that all nursing homes in the county can avail of during winter 2020. There are dancing, storytelling, singing, music and art recordinngs, so plenty for everyone to join in and enjoy. All workshops are available online and free of charge to Nursing Homes from November 2020 until February 2021.

For more information on how to access these activities please email

or phone

Arts Office (01) 2362759 or dlr Libraries (01) 2362700

The C & C programme in 2019 took place onsite in Leopardstown Park Hospital, Simpson's Hospital, Dundrum, Our Lady's Manor, Dalkey, and Dalkey Community Unit. The programme ran during October and November 2019. It included activities with Puca Puppets, Harpist Teresa O'Donnell, Artist Julie Merriman, Dance Theatre Ireland, Sound Textures (Helen Barry and Eamon Sweeney) and Gardening with David Murphy. Events were for residents, their families and friends, as well as staff of the nursing homes. We ran a similar programme of events for Cuairt agus Cultúr during 2018. Cuairt agus Cultúr co-ordinator is Sheila Grace.

Cuairt agus Cultúr is generously funded by Creative Ireland.

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