Healthy Ireland at Your Library - survey

General News
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Healthy Ireland, a Government-led initiative, is the national strategy to improve health and wellbeing, placing a focus on prevention, individual awareness and keeping people healthy for longer.

dlr Libraries are currently participating in the nationwide Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme which aims to establish libraries as a valuable source within the community for health information.

Funding granted by Healthy Ireland has enhanced health and wellbeing book collections (digital and hardcopy), and provided for staff training, events, and promotion.

The Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme will continue to build on this and contribute to improving the health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life of communities and individuals at all life stages. In order to do so we'd like your help to review our work so far and to plan for the future of this programme.

You can participate in the survey here (English) and here (Gaeilge). Alternatively you can fill out the form attached and return to your local library.

Check out the remaining Healthy Ireland at Your Library events in dlr Libraries here.

Thanks for your help!


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