Launch of book on Dalkey man Willy Doyle

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Carmel Uí Cheallaigh, Senior librarian in Stillorgan Library, launched her 5th book on Thursday 9th November in Stillorgan library. This latest book is a departure from her usual picture book genre. 'Man of the People Fr William Doyle SJ’ is about the Dalkey native, who led an exemplary life and explores how a young boy from County Dublin became a hero of WW1.  Carmel wrote the text and the book is illustrated by Jimmy Burns and designed by Alan Nolan, both of whom have strong connections with the dlr area. Local historian Tim Pat Coogan helped launch the book.
Father Willie's life of great generosity, kindness, courage and holiness inspired Carmel to write this book. The impending centenary of his death and the fact that there is no other children's book on his life further motivated her. The target audience is 6-8 year old readers and its ideal for the classroom. Carmel believes strongly that children shouldn't have to wait until adulthood to read history books, especially regarding notable people from the dlr area.
As her first book for this slightly older age group and factual, it proved her biggest writing challenge yet.  Her previously published picture books are: Spidey, Leanbh Nua, An Tolg Draoíchta and The New Cat
All of Carmel’s books are available in dlr Libraries and a classroom set of her new book will be available shortly for teachers to avail of. Please see more information on our classroom sets here.
For more information and to order, please visit


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