People on the Pier

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Just as we are all custodians of history, recipients of stories, anecdotes and accounts of the past, handed on to us by previous generations, so also we are recorders of the present moment which will craft what is yet to come. President Michael D. Higgins, Speech at the celebration of the Bicentenary of Dún Laoghaire Harbour, 31st May 2017

People on the Pier is a platform for people to share photos of their visits to Dún Laoghaire Harbour, which is celebrating its bicentenary in 2017.  It is an initiative of the Local Studies Department of dlr Libraries, who are intent on growing their collection of pier imagery, bringing it right up to date, to capture this particular moment in time.

‘Meet me on the pier’ is a familiar phrase and over the last 200 years, the East and West Piers have been popular destinations for days out such as holy communions, birthdays, first dates, walking the dog, a Sunday stroll, hanging out with friends, taking the air, engagements, weddings, and even reconciliations!

More than a million people walk the pier annually and for many it is a daily pleasure. On Sunday afternoons, the throngs of Sunday strollers pace themselves along both piers, enjoy fish and chips or an ice cream cone whilst watching the many maritime activities in the bay.

People from all over the world, including famous politicians, royals and celebrities have embarked and disembarked at the ferry terminals and many thousands of Irish people have joined the diaspora from these shores, seeking employment and brighter opportunities abroad. Some have happily returned here also.

So, present-day photos of you, your family and friends – and your pets of course, are all welcome! If you have older photos you would like to share, the Local Studies Department would be happy to add these to their collection also. You can add to the story of this iconic harbour by uploading your photos to, sharing on Facebook at, tagging them on Twitter, or Instagram Or you can simply email your photos (higher resolution is best) to

At the end of 2017, your images may become part of a dlr digital exhibition showcasing contemporary photos of the pier - a unique record and legacy for future generations, of the ‘present moment’ during this auspicious bicentenary year.

For further information please contact Marian Thérèse Keyes l Senior Executive Librarian:


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