Summer Stars 2019

General News

It's summertime so it must be time for Summer Stars!

Summer Stars is a free national reading challenge which takes places over the summer months to encourage children to begin or continue reading for pleasure while on school holidays. Sometimes children can regress in their reading skills between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next so Summer Stars is a great way to keep up those skills in an enjoyable way. The challenge is open to children of all ages and all reading counts - independent reading, shared reading, bedtime reading. Children can count any books read as part of the challenge, not just library books.

Each child who joins the challenge will receive a reading card with the challenge to read eight books over the summer. They will receive a stamp on their card for each book that they read, and if they're on holidays they can collect Summer Stars reading stamps wherever they are in the country! Once eight stamps have been collected the card can be returned to the Summer Stars collection point in their branch. All cards returned are entered into an end-of-summer draw in the branch from which three winners are drawn. The 24 branch winners will then be invited to the overall dlr prize-giving ceremony in the LexIcon on Saturday, 21 September at which a first, second and third overall prize will be awarded. (Last year's first, second and third prizes were vouchers for Nimble Fingers, Jump Zone and IMC Cinemas valued at €100, €80 and €70 respectively.)

There are lots of fun rewards along the way as well as great prizes to be won by returning reading cards to the local library branch. Look out for bookmarks, pencils, notebooks, pencil cases, bags and lots more!

We'll be launching Summer Stars in dlr Libraries on Saturday, 22 June at our dlr LexIcon Family Day. Children can sign up on the day and start reading straightaway! There will be lots of fun activities to keep children entertained throughout the day.

We'll also have lots of Summer Stars reading events programmed in our libraries during July and August. Our What's On brochure covering the July-September period will be out very soon and you can check them out there! Look out for end of summer reading celebrations and winners of our grand prize draw will also attend a prizegiving ceremony in dlr LexIcon in September.

You can follow Summers Stars on Twitter @StarsReading and on Facebook and Instagram at Summer Stars at your Library.


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