Teen Creatives, Writer in Residence

General News

Teen Creatives with Sarah Webb, Writer in Residence

What is it?

Teen Creatives is for all teenagers who love to write, draw, create! We will be talking about how stories work, writing, drawing, cartooning, making short movies and vlogs, and exploring the practical, behind the scenes side of the arts world, from hanging an art exhibtion to curating a book festival.

Artists, writers and arts curators will be invited to talk to the group about their work.

Who is it for?

Ages 13+ Max 15.

Saturdays 1 and 22 Oct, 12 and 26 Nov and 10 Dec 10.00am-12.00pm 
October: dlr LexIcon Room 4, level 5  
Nov/Dec: LexIcon Lab, level 3
Bookings? Enquiries?

Teen Creatives is for all teenagers who love to write, draw and create. Learn how stories work, make short movies and vlogs and learn about how to hang an exhibition or curate a festival.

Booking: dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie


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