Tim Thurston's music choices for the week of March 30th

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Renowned music lecturer Tim Thurston, a favourite with dlr Library members, shares with us his music choices in the hopes that music can provide some calming reassurance and will lift our spirits during this worrying time.

You'll find Tim's suggestions on YouTube, Freegal or Spotify. Tim is happy for you to contact him on timthurston1610@gmail.com for further ideas and lists, especially for choral music and for jazz. Here are his choices for this week:

In some denominations the 5th Sunday of  Lent is termed Passion Sunday heralding 2 weeks of Passiontide. There is so much exquisite music composed for this most intense season that I will hold on my Jazz until Easter Sunday!!

MONDAY - BACH - ORGAN CHORALE PRELUDES FOR PASSIONTIDE.  J.S.Bach was the greatest composer of organ music, like his Cantatas, much written for specific Lutheran Feasts. BWV 618 - 624


TUESDAY - ARVO PART - PASSIO. Estonian composer Arvo Part is the most renowned of the so-called "Holy Minimalists" Certainly his sacred choral music has a simple power. Passio from 1989 owes a great deal to Bach's Passion settings - see Palm Sunday.


WEDNESDAY -  ANTONIO LOTTI - CRUCIFIXUS - This powerful extract from one of his many Masses, composed for St Mark's in Venice, has become one of the most popular pieces for Holy Week. His Operas and madrigals form a link between Renaissance and Baroque styles.


THURSDAY - CHANT - ERIPE ME DOMINE is the Gradual for Passion Sunday - from Psalm 139.


FRIDAY - HEINRICH IGNAZ FRANZ BIBER - THE CRUCIFIXION from THE MYSTERY or ROSARY SONATAS for solo violin. From 1670s these sonatas are the most renowned virtuoso solo violin works before Bach.


SATURDAY  - KENNETH LEIGHTON - CRUCIFIXUS. He was one of the finest composers of sacred music of the 20th century, Professor of Music in Edinburgh from 1970 until his death in 1988.


SUNDAY - J.S.BACH - ST. MATTHEW PASSION. A performance of this work - especially with a fine Evangelist - is an overpowering experience. I first sang in the chorus at school - and played the role of Judas!! I couldn't imagine Holy Week without it.



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