50 Great Reads for Ages 0-5

Welcome to 50 Great Reads for Children Aged 0-5 from dlr Libraries!
We believe that reading together is a wonderful way for parents and guardians to connect with their little ones. Sharing books not only sparks a child’s imagination from an early age but also supports their language skills and cognitive development. Our booklet offers a curated list of books to help young children discover the magical world of reading.
Beyond the books, dlr Libraries provides many activities for young readers, including Storytime, free workshops with authors and artists, and TumbleBookLibrary, our online collection of children’s e-books. Our collection and events calendar are always growing, so check our website and social media for the latest updates.
As a library member, you have free access to over 300,000 items at dlr Libraries. You can borrow from any branch and request items from public libraries across Ireland, all through the Libraries Ireland catalogue, with pickup at your local library. If you need help finding a book, just ask – we're here to help!
In this booklet, you’ll find beloved classics, popular reads from our Babies Love Books scheme, and exciting new recommendations from our recent dlr Scéal Trails (see page 4 for more details). We’ve even included some staff favorites! All these titles are available to reserve online or through your local branch, by phone or email.
Happy reading, and welcome to a lifetime of books!
50 Great Reads for ages 0-5