Patrick Deeley in conversation with Selina Guinness
Patrick Deeley has published six highly acclaimed collections of poems. His evocative, lyrical memoir of grief, love and renewal, The Hurley Maker’s Son, has become a major bestseller. Deeley's train journey home to rural East Galway in autumn 1978 was a pilgrimage of grief: his giant of a father had been felled, the hurley-making workshop silenced.
In a style reminiscent of John McGahern’s Memoir, Deeley’s beautifully paced prose captures the rhythms, struggles and rough edges of a rural life that was already dying even as he grew. This is an enchanting, beautifully written account of family, love, loss, and the unstoppable march of time
This podcast was recorded in dlr LexIcon Studio, 22nd September 2016
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