Classroom Sets

The sets are of varying sizes, from 10 to 30 copies, some suitable for pre-school and primary school classes, some for smaller secondary school groups. Sets may be borrowed for 3 months at a time. Teachers who wish to borrow classroom sets must have a Block Loan card from their local library. A block loan card is available to all teachers who teach in the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area. To obtain one of these you must present proof of address (a current utility bill, etc.) and a letter from your school principal on headed paper stating that you are currently employed there. You may collect the books from the branch library of your choice.
Each book on our classroom sets list is accompanied by a short description and a recommended reading age.
*Please note that the recommended reading age is advisory only, many titles may suit slightly younger or older age groups than the one given.
For more information, please email