St. Patrick's Day Bank Holiday arrangements: dlr Libraries will be closed from Saturday 15 to Monday 17 March inclusive. Libraries will re-open on Tuesday 18 March. Patrons who have already registered for 'My Open Library' can still avail of this service from 8.00am - 10.00pm daily.
Monday (Except Bank Holidays) : Italian Language Exchange Group 10am-11:30am
Tuesday: Irish Language Exchange Group 10am-11:30am
Wednesday: German Language Exchange Group 10am-11:30am
Friday: French Language Exchange Group 10am-11:30am
Saturday: Spanish Language Exchange Group 10am-11:30am
Please note: Language Exchanges offer the opportunity to practice speaking a language with others. They are not taught classes.
For more information, please phone Deansgrange Library on (01) 204 7218.
Every Tuesday at 11.00am in INK café, come along to practice Irish in a relaxed environment.
New attendees always welcome!
Room 1, Level 3, dlr LexIcon
Informal English conversational classes aimed at migrants living and working in Ireland.
Mondays @ 5:45pm - 7:45pm
Please contact englishinthelibrary@gmail.com for further information