Inclusive Services

Services for Those With Autism and Additional Needs

ASC Booklet Cover

dlr Libraries have a team of motivated staff members working to improve our library service for those with autism and additional needs, please see below for further details.

We are working to ensure that all our libraries are autism friendly, in the same way that we are welcoming and accessible for wheelchair, visual & hearing impaired and other users. We also seek to offer autism specific programming and services when possible.

The library environment: physical and digital

  • We hope to ensure that all our libraries are fully accessible and welcoming spaces for people with autism.
  • Any new library builds will be built to autism and accessibility standards.
  • We will be cognisant of best practise in web design when considering the needs of people with autism.
  • We have created social stories/visual guides for those with autism for each of our branch libraries. Please see below.
  • Blackrock Library
  • Cabinteely Library
  • Dalkey Library
  • Deansgrange
  • dlr LexIcon
  • Shankill 
  • Stillorgan


dlr Libraries availed of DAF funding during 2020 and this enabled the installation of a sensory wall in Deansgrange library, along with outdoor furniture, seating and sensory planting in Shankill, Dundrum, Cabinteely and Dalkey libraries. 


The library environment: human

  • AsIam, have developed an online training module aimed specifically at the public sector and we have begun to roll this training out to library staff. 
  • We seek to play a role in elevating consciousness of those with autism through clear signage which helps all of our users understand autism.

Event programming

  • Our programme of library events, seeks to be inclusive and to reflect the broad spectrum of users and potential users of dlr Libraries. Most events are available to all members or our communities to attend.
  • From April 2019 we have programmed both autism friendly and autism specific events.
  • We have a quiet room in Deansgrange library at specific times, please contact Deansgrange library for further information.
  • We have weekly quiet evenings in both Cabinteely library (Tuesdays) and Dundrum library (Wednesdays) 

Collection: book and non-book

  • Each branch library has a sensory box available at the desk, these boxes include noise cancelling headphones, toys and gadgets. Please request from any member of staff.
  • We have created a booklet entitled ASC, please see attached. 
  • This booklet includes books that will appeal to those with autism/sensory issues as well as books about autism and resources for those interested in autism and for caregivers.
  • We have also sourced items for dlr Libraries first ever T&T (Toys and Technology) collection these are borrowable by users with autism and additional needs,. These items are included in the ASC booklet along with details on how to access them.We would like to acknowledge funding from Creative Ireland which has helped us to purchase equipment for our quiet room, as well as help fund our autism booklist and T&T collection.
  • Our core collections, like our event programming, reflect the diverse interests and needs of the communities we serve.


  • We are aware there are organisations already doing a great deal of work in the area of inclusivity. With this in mind we have reached out to AsIAm, AsIAm are happy to support us in our endeavours in this area. We have also collaborated recently with PRISM DLR.
  • We have recently been successful in obtaining funding from the Department of Rural and Community Development for developing further sensory spaces in our libraries. Please click here. Follow #sensorylibrary on our social media channels for updates.
  • If you are a teacher with an autism special class in the area we are happy to work with you.
  • We are learning and we hope you will appreciate and assist us in this regard. If you have any feedback, suggestions or observations for us we would love to hear them, please email with subject line: ‘Autism friendly libraries’.