Local and National Initiatives
Age-Friendly Libraries

- Book Drop Service – operates from dlr LexIcon. Deliveries of books and other stock items directly to your door
- Shared national catalogue and distribution service – reserve items from other libraries, collect them from your local branch
- Large Print books, audio books, book sets, online courses, podcasts of previous events
- Local history/local studies materials and resources in each library plus dedicated Local Studies section in dlr LexIcon
- Reader Pens
- Acorn Tablets
- Home energy saving kits / thermal leak detectors, energy monitors
- Rendever VR headsets – targeted content for senior age cohort
- Tovertafels in 3 branches – LexIcon, Dalkey and Deansgrange
- Bealtaine Festival (designated annual budget, part of overall adult events budget)
- Cuairt & Cultúr - events programme in day centres and residential care settings (in collaboration with dlr Age-Friendly Programme Office)
- Physical health – yoga, active movement sessions (in partnership with dlr Sports Partnership)
- Mental health & well-being – dlr Social Prescribing Programme (in partnership with Southside Partnership) GBHI Brain Health talks/workshops
- Arts and Crafts workshops/courses
- Yarnspinners storytelling circle, oral tradition projects e.g. Stirring Memories
- Varied exhibition programme – with community, local and national interest
- Digital and Media Literacy workshops - Age Action classes, Acorn tablets, VR headsets (in-house and outreach)
- Social groups – language, book clubs, creative writing groups, craft groups, scrabble, bridge, Musical Memories choir for those with dementia and their carers
- Hard copy bi-monthly News & Events brochure and other hard-copy flyers, for those who are not online
- Each library has a designated Age-Friendly Champion
- Accessible buildings – lifts, wheelchair-friendly, chairs with arm rests, raised shelving (no bending)
- Accessible bathrooms (part of dlr Age-Friendly Petal Project). Changing Places facilities in dlr LexIcon and Deansgrange Library
- Meeting rooms/spaces for groups, music room (Dalkey Library)
- Free internet access, free wifi, printing and scanning, including remote printing
- Community notice boards, distribution of local and national flyers/brochures e.g. Be winter ready, energy-saving tips, Bealtaine, Pavilion Theatre programme.
- Opening hours, MOL service – enhanced hours to include early mornings