Using Your Library

Services for Visually Impaired

Blind Man Holding Phone
  • We have signage available in braille. Guide dogs are welcome in our libraries.
  • Our collection includes audio books, both in house and online in downloadable format.
  • We have both a physical CD music collection that is part of the national library service, giving access to 1000's of music CDS, as well as the Freegal free streaming music service.
  • We have a new service on offer to members of the public called Reader Pens. Reader Pens read words and full lines of text aloud for independent reading. Those with dyslexia, those who have difficulty with reading or pronunciation, those learning languages or those with vision problems will find these pens extremely helpful pieces of technology. This device reads text out with a natural speaking voice. The pens have built-in dictionaries so you can access definitions as you read for better understanding.
  • We have a large and varied collection of podcasts available, recorded over a long number of years, with topics from history to parenting as well as internationally acclaimed authors in conversation.
  • Throughout the year we have events and programmes that celebrate inclusion and diversity.
  • dlr Libraries provide a welcoming, accessible space for everyone, where membership is free to anyone living or visiting the county.