STEAM Park & Lego League

Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop for Infant and Early Years Teachers where you will be introduced to the FIRST® LEGO® League Discover Programme and LEGO® Education STEAM Park. This workshop is especially designed for early years and infant class teachers and will be delivered by a LEGO Education Certified Facilitator. Implement a STEAM Week learning project for your Early Years, Junior Infant, and Senior Infant students by engaging in the FIRST® LEGO® League Discover Programme and LEGO® Education STEAM Park. After attending this training, you will be able to deliver a 5-session programme that: develops key habits of learning, introduces the engineering design process and engages in computational thinking. All of these are key elements of the STEM Education Implementation Policy 2017 - 2026 and the sessions are mapped to Aistear.
Places are limited and are specifically for teachers and early years educators
To book, email