dlr Libraries Online Book Club

Previous titles:
November 2024: The Caretaker by Ron Rash
January 2025: The Vegetarian by Han Kang
February 2025: The Granddaughter by Bernhard Schlink
Upcoming titles:
Wed 26 March 2025: Glorious Exploits by Ferdia Lennon
Wed 30 April 2025: An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
Wed 28 May 2025: Drive Your Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead by Olga Tokarczu
Wed 25 June 2025: The Last September by Elizabeth Bowen
A number of copies of the current month's chosen title are available from level 4, dlr LexIcon.
Please contact libraryculture@dlrcoco.ie for more information and to register for the book club.
Zoom link and passcode will be sent 1 day before the meeting to all those registered.
dlr Libraries zoom safety protocols are in place for the security of all users.