Poetry by the Pond with poet Katie Donovan

Normal or One Off
Event Image (978 x 400 px) (89)
Event Description

Sea swimming, our threatened natural world, a woman’s bodily autonomy, bereavement and survival are some of the themes explored by Katie Donovan in her latest collection of poetry May Swim, just published by Bloodaxe Books.

Candid, uncompromising, lyrical and sardonic, her powerful poetry has engaged and enthralled audiences in Ireland and abroad for 30 years. Come to hear this proud citizen of Dún Laoghaire read her poems in the suitably watery environs of the tranquillity pool beside dlr LexIcon. Her new collection, May Swim appears, appropriately, in May of this year, and is inspired by her love of the sea. Copies will be on sale at the event. www.KatieDonovan.com

dlrLexIcon Pond (If bad weather, Level 3, dlr LexIcon) 
All welcome, no booking required 

Contact Details
01 280 1147

dlr Lexicon

Part of Major Event
Bealtaine @ dlr Libraries 2024

Event Map

53.292419, -6.132268


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