A celebration of Summer! Online exhibition of children's art dlr Libraries

General News

dlr libraries advertised a childrens art competition on 13 May 2020. Children from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown were asked to create a piece of art inspired by the title:  

'Summertime is for.....'

We had a great response and were delighted to receive over 50 entries within the age categories of 5 years and under, 6-8 years and 9-12 years.

Selecting winners for children's art competitions is a difficult task. We engaged with a local artist to pick winning entries on our behalf.  Our judge has kindly provided commentary and encouragement to all the children that entered the competition. We are aware competitions can focus on winners, and we want to recognise the beautiful work from all of our young artists who entered and let them know we value all of their work, and encourage further endeavours. As Picasso said "Every child is an artist", but also well done to those that won. You can view winning entries here.

The entries brought us joy, colour, inventiveness and creativity, which goes to show that even during the time of quarantine in Ireland that Covid-19 pandemic brought, children's imaginations are vibrant places to be!

To enjoy the riot of colour and imagination that 'Summertime is for...' please click on this link to enjoy online version or the pdf file attached to this webpage.

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