dlr Cuairt agus Cultúr Call-Out to Residential Nursing Homes and Day Care Centres

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Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) County Council’s ‘Cuairt agus Cultúr’ programme is an annual arts and wellbeing programme where artists and wellbeing practitioners visit and carry out workshops and projects in residential nursing homes and day care centres in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.

The programme is fully funded and organised by dlr County Council Arts, Libraries and Age-Friendly Programme with additional support funding from the Arts and Health Partnership Programme (funded by the HSE). 

For autumn / winter 2024/25, we are delighted that we have six artists and wellbeing practitioners participating in Cuairt agus Cultúr. The artists and practitioners are experienced in working with older people and they provide music, arts & crafts, storytelling as well as reflexology and meditation programmes and we hope that residents and day service attendees will enjoy the experience. The artists and practitioners are assigned for several weeks each autumn / winter to care settings interested in taking part in the programme. 

We would like to invite all residential nursing homes and day care centres based in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown to apply for this year’s Cuairt agus Cultúr programme by completing the application form attached.  

For full details and the application form see the attached document, 
For queries please contact by email cagusc@dlrcoco.ie or by phone: (01) 2362756 or (01) 2362718