Seachtain na Gaeilge le Leabharlanna dlr

General News
Seachtain na Gaeilge

Celebrate Irish language and culture this Seachtain na Gaeilge with dlr Libraries.

We have some fabulous Irish language/bilingual events lined up to help get Gaeilge in your ears and on your tongue with the help of traditional musicians and singers, comedians, and authors.

You’ll be welcome to drop in to our Ciorcail Chomhrá, our informal Irish conversation groups for adults who wish to brush up on their vocabulary and increase their speaking confidence, and we’ll have Am Scéalaíochta (Storytime) for younger readers.

Visit here to find out more.

Bí linn, glac páirt, ach níos tábhachtaí fós, bíodh spraoi agat!


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