What's On Jan-March 2020

General News

What's On: Jan-March 2020 has arrived! You can read it online here or pick up a printed copy in any dlr library from early January. We'll have lots of talks, workshops, exhibitions to keep you occupied during the first quarter of the year.


dlr Libraries gets 2020 off to a flying start with a selection of health and well-being talks and events across the library service as part of Healthy Ireland at Your Library.

We'll be celebrating St Brigid's Day, the arrival of spring and the Chinese New Year with a Family Day on Saturday, 1 February in dlr LexIcon.

Seachtain na Gaeilge is a celebration of the Irish language which takes place during the first two weeks of March every year and we'll have lots of events in our branches to tie in with this nationwide festival, many led by our dlr Writer in Residence Sadhbh Devlin.

We've got some great exhibitions for you in 2020! Photographer Nicolas Reuland will present his exhibition Dún Laoghaire: fifty years too early. Local historian Shabnam Vasisht's Digging up the Raj will be on display from 26 February and there's lots more.

You'll find all of the above plus much, much more in the Jan-March What's On!


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