Miscellany 50 - Fifty Years of Sunday Miscellany

edited by Cliodhna Ni Anluain

Having only become aware and tuned into this excellent radio programme for the last ten years, it came as some surprise to me to learn that it's half a century old! It airs on RTÉ Radio 1 every Sunday morning at 9.10 am, opening with the trumpets of Samuel Scheidt's "Galliard Battaglia". Personal essays, poems, factual accounts are read out by their writer, with music played between each reading.

I had the pleasure to attend "Sunday Miscellany Live At Christmas" in the National Concert Hall last December. To hear the RTÉ Concert Orchestra perform all the music and especially the programme's opening composition was a thrilling experience.

This is a wonderful book celebrating fifty years of diverse writing and topics. I can understand why Christy Moore writes: "Ive been tuning in for fifty years .... right back to Maxwell Sweeney. And now an anthology - sound the trumpets!


Staff pick by Marie